Secrets Of Organ Playing Podcast

SOPP362: I shall re-learn Dupre's Prelude and Fugue in B major in the New Year



This question was sent sent by John, and he writes: Dear Vidas, I'm lucky that a former pupil will be playing organ voluntaries for me (i) at Midnight Mass (Widor - Toccata) and (ii) at the Carol Service (Joie et clarite - Messiaen). He's just 17 and has won a place at Chetham's school of music in Manchester. I shall re-learn Dupre's Prelude and Fugue in B major in the New Year. I studied it during my student days, but as you know, it needs constant performance to keep it up to scratch. An enlightened wedding couple have asked me for Mullet's Carillon-Sortie later in the year. A project for 2019 will be to write some short pieces for manuals only as a homage to Vierne's 24 Pieces. I adore Vierne's music and think him a much better composer than Widor. I am at present writing a S. John Passion for a village choir to sing - simple chorus parts, but a good [tricky] evangelist solo line. I shall also learn later in 2019 Bach's "Komm Gott" fantasia, a piece I have never played and hopefully it will be r