Secrets Of Organ Playing Podcast

SOPP373: I started playing the organ aged 53



This question was sent by Emese. And, Emese writes: Dear Ausra and Vidas! Today I've played Das Alte Jahr... as well. It's so nice. Have you known that it has 12 measures and 365 notes. The genius of Bach. I started playing the organ aged 53 (earlier I played the viola)—this means 5 years ago, but we had no proper instrument. This year the renewal of our church came to an end and at last I've got a real organ. It's not a big instrument—it has got 8 stops=two manuals and pedal, made for our church. It was ready a week before Pentecost. So a real exercise started then. From September I have less time for exercise—but at least once or twice a week I try in the evenings. In these few months, I've learned mainly Bach works, pedal playing was new for me, but I enjoy practicing it a lot. So I have learned: three Schubler chorales as BWV 645, 646, 649. I am still practicing BWV 655—it's one of my favorites. I can play it already by heart, but there is still a lot of work. My next aim is Cesar Franck—Prelude in h