Branding Blitz

BB9 - Pricing, PPC, and First Sales!



One last thing needed to be done before I could start promoting my product on Amazon... I had to decide what my initial sales price would be.  Generally, I would recommend doing that ahead of time...  In any case, once that was done I was ready to launch my PPC campaign(s) and get those first sales rollling in! For the full transcript head to or see below. --- Hello again! I'm JR, and you're listening to episode 9 of the Branding Blitz!   Let's go ahead and jump right in here. At the end of episode 8, I mentioned that my products were ready to go live on Amazon. And it's true, the listings were live and the products were available for sale, but there was one last thing I needed to decided before I could start promoting the product.   Believe it or not, I got this far without deciding what price I wanted to start out selling the product for. I had put some consideration into the price I wanted to eventually sell at, but I planned to start at a lower price so that I could build up my