Branding Blitz

BB10 - First Week Sales Re-Cap and Prime Day



I've finished my first week of sales and am ready (and excited!) to report the results of that first week.  Toward the end of that first 7 days (on day 6) was a special promotion Amazon ran called Prime Day where a ton of extra traffic poured over Amazon's website.  Even though I wasn't one of the deals being promoted by Amazon, I aimed to harness some of the extra traffic with my PPC campaigns. For the full transcript head to or see below. --- Hello again! I'm JR, and you're listening to episode 10 of the Branding Blitz!   That's right, we're in episode 10 of this podcast! This is still new – we're still at the very beginning of this story – but it feels like a pretty significant milestone to get to double digits. It might not seem like much, but sometimes you have to stop and appreciate those little steps that you take along the way to get to the big goals.   Man, has it been an exciting week here! There has been a ton of stuff going on both on a personally and with the business