Swisscast With Suhaib Webb

Not So Fast: Is This The End of Time Part 1



This podcast is important, and it will address three things related to the signs of the hour. The first deals with the authenticity of a text, while the second deals with the principles needed to understand what scholars called transmission related to the signs of the Hour or the transmission of trials. That will formulate what we will talk in this podcast. Our second podcast will address the order of the signs in brevity, inshallah. General Principle for engaging hadith related to this subject. الاقتصار في التنزيل على نصوص الوحيين, والتأكد من صحتها لفظاً ومعنى “The signs of the hour are restricted to revelation while ensuring their soundness and correct understanding.” a) Their Soundness – Meaning the Hadith is authentic فُسْطَاطُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ يَوْمَ الْمَلْحَمَةِ الْغُوطَةُ، إِلَى جَانِبِ مَدِينَةٍ يُقَالُ لَهَا: دِمَشْقُ There are four narrations of this hadith Abu Darda – it is not strong because between the companion who narrated is not mentioned. There is a connected narration of it, but it is weak b