Unseen World

Introducing Awesome Insanity Surfers with Linda Irwin



Tonight we are going to allow the energies and transmissions to take us to some hysterical music, fake commercials and comedy by Linda Irwin and Dawson C. Green, Jr.  Some audio files are creative commons and are licensed under NCH Software Australia and soundbible.com . . . "Demented Menu" and "Debbie Reynolds Rap" are by Linda Irwin, John Bantner, Jim Carrell, Bob Newell and Gloria Ettleman.  Contains some mature content.  Find them at http://www.AISXQ.com!Welcome to "Unseen World", focusing on all aspects of the spiritual, psychic, metaphysical, supernatural, extraterrestrial & paranormal. Here you can share your experiences, ask questions, and we will assist you with your journey. You can join Saundra, Linda & others of like mind on our Facebook Group "Unseen World".Janice King is an intuitive healer and astrologer. Read her blog at: www.janais.wordpress.com.Saundra Greene is a Spiritual Intuitive well versed in numerology, as well as the meaning & uses of different stones & herbs, but doe