Empowering Motherhood

Repairing your Relationship with Efrat Wolfson



Being consciously aware is the name of the game these days - Conscious living and conscious parenting to name but a  few.  Efrat Wolfson brings her expertise on relationships, communication and conflict resolution through her signature program The Conscious Couples Formula.Efrat Wolfson has turned Conflict Resolution into an art with a very simple but extremely profound understanding and approach. "We need to start translating judgment into deep needs" she says.  "Look for a solution to meet both needs - It can be complex but not impossible."She has background in facilitating conficct resolution between Palestinian-Israeli youth and adults, has a Masters in Human Rights Education and she co-founded a community Eco-Centre in Israel where they help to create a sustainable way of living and communicating.  What she discovered was "The dynamics of conflict between countires and people are exactly the same".Discover her approach and many great tips and insights at www.efratwolfson.com  Show Notes:Understainding th