Awakening To Miracles W/sherri Lane

Calling on Angels - Remembering to Ask - April 29



There have been quite a few technical interruptions with broadcasting recently so I suspended the shows until I could try to get that worked out. I think that is working well now. I've also had some craziness going on myself (I will tell a little more about it on the show) I am looking forward to getting connected with you all again! In this episode, we will get back to specifically discussing angels and requesting their help and guidance in our lives. We have free will, so in most of our daily lives, angels can't help us or intervene until we ask. It's easy to forget to ask for their help, so many times when we could have their intervention or simply the boost from their active presence, we don't -- or we don't recognize it when they are trying to get our attention. By readily, openly, and regularly calling on them - our path can be more clear. As always, lines will be open for personal intuitive mini readings for your best steps now on your spiritual journey. This is one form of "asking" for their help