Eye Of The Seer

Mystical Fandoms: The Magus



Tracey Ouellette once again joins Bryan and Amanda for another installment of the Mystical Fandoms series. On this episode of EYE of the SEER, they begin a discussion about the primary archetypal patterns that influence the human experience, shaping it into the mystery that it is now in the process of becoming. They will use the archetypes of the Major Arcana in the Tarot as a guide and follow the Fool's Journey through each stage of his realization, exposing how each primary archetype manifests in popular cult-classic television programming.This episode will continue the Fool's journey as he ventures into the realm of the Magus.  In Akron and Banzhaf's Crowley Tarot: Handbook to the Cards he is identified as the heavenly father, that procreating energy of the Divine Masculine as he brings motion to the Cosmos. The Magus is the idea just as it is being formed.  The Fool has begun to step through through the threshold of becoming human.  What gifts does he bring with him?How does The Magus manifest in the conv