Hypnosis And Holistic Wellness

Using Hypnosis to Help with Shy Bladder



Your friends are planning to go out to dinner, or go to the park.  You want to go and join them, but instead, you make an excuse and decline.  You feel ashamed, unhappy and completely isolated, they would only laugh if you revealed your secret; not being able to urinate in public bathrooms and therefore have to stay close to home.One is 17 million Americans suffer with shy bladder syndrome, or paruresis. Almost no one likes public bathrooms, however if you suffer from shy bladder syndrome, your life is centered around how, when and where you are going to go to the bathroom.  It may seem funny or irrational to many, it is not to those that are suffering.Today we will be talking with a former client of mine and his results with using coaching and hypnosis. If you suffer from SBS or know of a friend or family member, make sure to tune in to this special show.