John G. Sutton

Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Superstitions - Do you believe in bad luck?



Have you ever made a wish on seeing a shooting star? Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be looking at superstitious beliefs and discussing if there may be any logical basis for them. John says that he has always believed that for him spiders bring good luck and recalls how a little spider dropped on to his right hand immediately before he received a telephone call offering him a publishing contract. Countess Starella was living in Russia when she saw a strange formation of birds circling above her home, she watched amazed as they suddenly turned and flew as one heading west. That same day she received news she was to return to the USA. You can call in and speak with John and The Countess about your own superstitions or just ask a personal question. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella are waiting to help so do call.