Laguna Presbyterian Weekly Sermon

God's Royal Priests



Godand#8217;s Royal Priests is a podcast of the Sunday morning sermon at Laguna Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle is preaching from Exodus 19:1-8 and 1 Peter 2:1-10. We continue our sermon series in the Book of Exodus: Journey to Wholeness. The call to confession, and#8220;Hear My/Our Cryand#8221; is a song written by James Ward of New City Fellowship. James writes, and#8220;Scripture tells of a heavenly city where chosen people from every nation and tongue gather together to worship God. When Jesus returns we will finally see this city perfected, the way it was meant to be. But even now we see vivid glimpses of it in our local congregations. In cities around the world, believers are joining hands across cultural barriers and lifting their voices together in praise of their Savior.and#8221; Amen! The anthem, and#8220;O God, Our Help in Ages Past,and#8221; the famous Isaac Watts song written from Psalm 46, was arranged by M. Miller. The musical offering this morning, and#8220;Is He Worthy?and#8221;