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The Art of Reading People – How to Understand People and Speak Their Language!



My guest, Pamela Hollister, founder of The People Process, explains one of the most important skills we can possess -the ability to understand Personality Type. By understanding Personality Type, human behavior, interpersonal communications, and motivating people, you can improve relationships. This is just as true for you and me when trying to convince our bosses we’re entitled to a raise as it is for a secretary of state negotiating a complex and delicate peace treaty.Personality Type theory – a scientifically validated system – allows you to gain invaluable insights into others by observing a variety of clues relating to their appearance, vocabulary, body language, occupation, education, and interests. This unique system of decoding personalities gives you a powerful advantage in communicating more successfully with all types of people. What motivates one person often has no effect on another. The key to motivating or reaching others, whether to make ourselves understood or to influence their decisions