Starting Today

Soften Your Resistance To Change



We have entered into a time of transitions. Whether it is relationships, retirement, family, or health, we are “feeling” the necessity of change. We are all experiencing a soulful yearning to live life differently. How do we begin seems to be the question? When we shut down the outer noise of our world, the traffic, televisions, radios, speeches, conversations, and discussions ~ we are left with another kind of noise: the nonstop chatter of the mind. This constant inner voice reminds us of what to regret, what we ought to do, what we didn’t do, what might be done, what was done 20 years ago, what we should of said, and on and on. This chatter is relentless.My guest, Linda Rogers of the San Miguel Intensive, will gently guide you from false beliefs invested in hectic schedules and stressful living to self discovery. Using the tools of creative expression, you can learn to soften your resistance to change. With a stronger connection to Source Energy, resistance gives way to creativity and a sense of heightened