"una & Friends"

“From No Work to Network” with special guest, Niri Patel of BNI. (Una & Friends)



"Una and Friends" Internet Radio Show*********************************************7 April 09 topic: “From No Work to Network” with special guest, Niri Patel of BNI. Only a few years ago, relocating meant that Niri had to start from scratch with his coaching and training business. Now, Niri is Executive Director of three BNI regions in the UK and Co-National Director, BNI India. (BNI is an international business referral organisation.) How did he get from there to here? Highly regarded by myself and anyone I’ve ever met that knows him, Niri is going to share with us some of his story, challenges and lessons learned along the way in business and life. One of Niri’s goals is to create 1,000 BNI millionaires. He is a contributor to a couple of books, has spoken at the House of Lords, is an expert in coaching, wellness and is a qualified “Egoscue Method” Posture Specialist. I believe the combination of Niri’s extensive knowledge and cheeky, yet wry sense of humour means we’re in for an abundant treat! FYI: The BNI