Stay Calm Don't Panic

Don’t Panic About Self-Harm with Shannon Herman



In this episode, we talk to Shannon Herman, a Licensed Professional Counselor, about self-harm, how to recognize the signs and how to respond to a teen who self-injures. While this can be a heavy and sometimes upsetting topic, we need to be able to have conversations about self-harm to better equip teenagers with different coping skills. Take a deep breath and don’t panic about self-harm…you’ve got this!   In this episode, you’ll find out… * Several types of self-harming behaviors seen among teenagers. * What ages and genders engage in self-injurious behaviors. * Some presenting issues and warning signs behind self-harm (hint: it’s not always the cat!) * The importance of confronting a self-harming teenager. * Some positive ways to react to self-injurious behavior. * What steps to take after discovering self-harming behaviors. Ask yourself… * Am I paying attention to warning signs and behavior changes? * How would I react if a teen revealed self-injurious marks to me? * Am I