Stay Calm Don't Panic

Don’t Panic about Talking to Your Teen



Holding conversations with teenagers where they actually open up and share about their personal lives can be difficult. In this episode, Chris and Karlie share some practical advice for talking to teenagers (and getting them to talk back). Instead of panicking about what they aren’t telling you, learn to start asking better questions!   In this episode, you’ll find out… * What you can do to better talk and communicate with teenagers. * How to stop teens from confiding in you. * Why being a good-listener is so important. * How to construct better questions. * Indicators of when you need to follow your intuition and ask more questions. * Practical things you can try today to improve communication with teenagers.    Ask yourself… * Am I shock-proof? What steps can I take to become even more shock-proof? * How can I better communicate that I am trustworthy in times of crisis? * When do the teenagers I interact with want to talk? Am I available at those times?   Go ask a teen… * A