Getting Shiggi With...

Season 2: Episode 001 - On Books: Alain De Botton - The Consolations of Philosophy



It's a new season! (or episode 11, if you're that way inclined). For the next 10 episodes, I shallow dive (we'll be here for months if I went in deep, lol) into 10 books off my shelf that helped shape, inspire and create the Shiggi you hear and know today. We start off with what I lovingly term a "brief introduction to Philosophy for dummies" - mostly because I keep on returning to it year after year. So, join me as I skim through the topcoat of existential paint that is philosophy.If you want to see a bit of my podcast live, come say hi on Facebook: can find this podcast elsewhere:Getting Shiggi With...Podcast Available at:1. Anchor - iTunes - Spotify - as ever, if you ever have a question find me on the social medias or email me at