Material Is Your Business

038 – Alexandra Suzanne Greenawalt of Alexandra Stylist – Chosen Carefully



Choosing the right fabrics for personal styling… Alexandra Suzanne Greenawalt, Founder of Alexandra Stylist, joins Stephanie Benedetto and Samanta Cortes in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Fabric is important as personal stylist Today’s consumer is more educated, more interested in fabric content Prices going up made consumers more conscious of the nature and origins of fabric Greenawalt’s target and origins of customers, all on a mission, someone who has been through a change (jobs, divorce, weight change, inner issues, etc.) take a look at closet, what they’ve been doing isn’t working, wanting to change and feel better. How clothing is sized unevenly all over the world Brands are not employing internal stylists enough, not matching what consumers want with what is displayed and in inventory in physical retail stores How her book came about A lot of people talking about dressing for cheap, look like a lot, or high end, very few talking about real woman in the middle who