Material Is Your Business

051 – Bruce Thomson of BrightLabel – The Label is the Story



Digital product labeling that enables consumers to go beyond the traditional label to learn more about product origin, materials and features, and to help brands establish a new, digital channel to engage directly with and learn from their customers… Bruce Thomson, Co-founder/CEO of BrightLabel (a software platform that leverages mobile technology to enable digital product labeling in the textiles and apparel sector), joins Stephanie Benedetto and Samanta Cortes in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Getting dynamic transparaent info on material certifciations in hands of consumers Consumers looking for more out of porducts, to make more informed decsions on what they purchase and wear Most labeling contains little practical info Why this hasn’t been done before, regulatory regimes around the world dictating what labelled on products FTC regulated in America Unfortunate that the story of products isn’t told – Made in Mexico but with Amercian cotton? Symbols on labels mean li