Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, cervical cancer and other genital conditions



Sexually Transmitted Diseases, cervical cancer and other genital conditions: Infection or program: Listen to this program if you want to know the fascinating truth about what the REAL causes are of STD’s. If you believe its just a bug, you are wrong. All infections STD or otherwise follow certain patterns that have little to do with the organism and a lot to do with something far more important. Be ready to have your beliefs about infections changed once and for all. On this program, you will learn that diseases are programs that follow certain well defined principles, and that healing from them depends on identifying and clearing these programs, especially when it comes to certain viral STD’s such as Herpes, HPV, etc. We will also discuss Cervical Cancer which we are told is related to HPV infections and is now vaccinated against. Does that make sense? Again be ready to be enlightened during this program and call in your questions. We will also discuss other genital conditions in men and women and the Recal