Social Media Engagement Ring

Engaging Web Video Content - In Lehman's Terms



Special Guest This Week:Doug Lehman - @douglehmanJoin us at this Atlanta Event, Sat. March 19thWeb Video 101 - Produce Engaging ContentMy idea of an 'engagement ring' is simply to stake your home base on the web and direct all your connections into the central hub. For many this will be a blog, and others may use a Facebook Page. Any other web site can handle the role, but the key is in centralizing the message and connection point.Each week I'll be speaking with the people who work in and with social media to produce income. If this interest you then please listen and join in the conversation.We'll explore sites and topics likeTwitterLinkedInFaceBookYoutubeFlickrPosterousTumblrWordPress [com & org]newslettersPress Releasesoutsourcing