Beyond Birth

Ep. 79 Avoiding Burnout with Katie Harrell



Exhaustion. All parents feel this from time to time and in varying degrees. But what is it called if you feel tired all the time, seemingly with no end in sight? What is it called when you feel beyond exhaustion itself- not just in a physical manner but emotionally as well? Burnout. In this week’s episode, Liz talks to nutritional therapy practitioner and certified pre and postnatal fitness coach, Katie Harrell, all about burnout- what it is exactly, and what we can do about it.  TOPICS INCLUDE:  How to distinguish between burnout and normal parent exhaustion. Actual signs of burnout that you may think are unrelated. Why it can be so hard for parents to admit when they need help. Ways to combat burnout and the self-care tips everyone needs to be doing. We will all have those days when the hours are long and even the coffee isn’t helping- but it’s important to be able to recognize when the level of exhaustion has become too much and the stress feels insurmountable. Recognizing- and acknowle