Everyday Autism Miracles

Tiffani Lawton from OurJourneyThruAutism.com



Tiffani Lawton from Our Journey Thru Autism.com shares her son Eamon's story of recovery from PDDnos WITHOUT Intensive ABA, the DAN Protocol, or a strict GFCF diet. Listen to the practical approach this nurse/mom took, including home schooling and how her journey became an informational website for parents all over the world. Check out the array of experts blogging on OurJourneyThruAutism.com After this show taped Tiffani asked to make one correction: "The dosage for the vitamin C that I give Eamon is between 125 mg and 250 mg, not 250-500 mg. Also, included in the combo supplement is Zinc. I use Rhino Chewy C plus zinc and echinacea by Nutrition Now."