Stellar Firma

STL 57 - Histrionics and High-Handedness



Episode 57 - Histrionics and High-HandednessThe client, Zeith Fel, is looking for ideas for new productions for The Diabolical Flotilla Actors’ Guild to tour in the upcoming season. She has found that audiences are dwindling for their tours across the galaxy (entirely unconnected to the entirely justifiable destructive actions of Stellar Firma) and are in need of a hit.Management Consultants’ advice: a roster of updated “classics”, react to the pretend, pretend real knives, historical re-enactment, shattered bums, execute the fool, sexy wedding, the end?Content Warning for: Emotional abuseBullying / TauntingInnuendoShoutingKnives & self-injury (stabbing, including SFX)Mentions of: cults, manipulation & gaslighting, childhood trauma, mind-altering substances, mass mortality & environmental apocalypse, executions & gun violence.Transcript: thanks to vi for this episode's Brief Submission and this week's Patrons: Emmie Knobloch, ludmila schmidt, Matt1344, C-J S