Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Natural disasters, are you ready?? What does that mean?



Natural disasters seem to be occurring every month somewhere in the United States.  Have you been affected?  Have you worried about the storms and what you would do?  OR Have you just looked at the news and noticed the events playing out?  An event seems to not be of concern to people and businesses these days unless they have a direct hit.  What comes next?  Aftermath.  You do have the ability to prepare for disasters in some areas of your life.  We will talk about a few simple things that can be done to lessen your heart aches after any earth event.  Also, while it may be great for some areas to have stockpiles, that is not the norm in other areas.  Do you know what you should or should not do in your area? How do you prepare your small business or how have you been prepared as an employee?  Missing anything in your plan? How does your healthcare become affected in natural disaster events?  Think you are safe and protected?  Think again. Callers are welcome to share their experiences and ask questions of Dr