Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Looking for Healing in all the Wrong Places? Peace is here



Are you finding the world is changing so rapidly and you cannot keep up?  Have your priorities in life been challenged lately and you don't know how to make sense of it?  Are you feeling differently these days but concerned about what it all means?  Are you feeling at peace or do you even know what that means? My guest today is Gary Spolansky, a Shamanic/Empathic Healer and Reiki Master who has been in practice for the past 18 years.  His most recent book is Surgeon of the Soul - Stories of Hope and Healing.  He is also the co-host of the Internet Radio Show - The Yay Team.  We will be talking about Reiki, healing, health, stuckness and finding a peace inside yourself.  Are you going from doctor to doctor and your body, heart and soul seem to not be in harmony, this show is for you. Gary's website is here.  His book can be found here.