Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Divorce creates turmoil and issues for all around holidays



Everyone can be affected if there is a divorce in the family and holidays take on a new challenge of dealing with the aftermath of a family split.  No matter if the divorce is new or old news, every year seems to bring turmoil if you have not ironed out your feelings of loss, grief, guilt, pain, separation, loneliness or anger.  How will you handle the holidays this year?  Are you going to take hostages this December?  You feel like you are entitled to having the kids, hosting the party, giving big gifts or claiming the 'family dinner at noon' and disappointment is going to be had by someone.  Pulling out all the guns; the pictures, the credit cards, the presents, and the tears hoping for a 'photo-op' fit to remember for years and notch on your totem pole.  My guest, Rosalind Sedacca, is a Parenting Coach, advisor at ParentalWisdom.com and on the Board of Directors of the Toby Center for Family Transitions.  She is the expert when it comes to relationships in many stages of our lives.  Her knowledge is perfec