Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Help for Domestic Abuse around the holidays



What is domestic abuse and why should you care?  If you are not a victim, chances are, you know someone who is being abused in their home and no one is talking.  If you are being abused, guaranteed, you are not talking.  Do you really think this is something to shout to the rooftops and share with your giggly girl friends?  Really?  Talking to other family members, NOT!  Domestic abuse takes on an undercover stealth like a snake in the grass.  You run through it and hope it does not get  you while denying that it is even there.  The holidays seem to increase the potential of abuse in all forms around the holidays.  My guest today is Amy Sherman.  She has a master's degree in counseling/psychology, the Director of Mental Health Services at the Toby Center for Family Transitions and offers coaching services. Raising of the hand, raising the voice, pushing and shoving, throwing, kicking, and other actions can be forms of abuse that escalate and harm people to their core.  Do not participate in performing these a