Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Small Business: Good, Bad and the Ugly?



Are you in desperate need to create a different life for yourself by creating a small business?  Looking to start a new business and have all kinds of red flags from others you talk to?  Stop and listen to Gary Bronga.  He provides answers from creation to delivery of a product with ease. The good:  the rewards of small business ownership, fulfillment of a dream and reaching financial freedom. The bad:  the many obstacles faced by small business today, government red tape and unfair taxes. The Ugly:  class warfare between the so-called wealthy and the poor taking place in America and how it hurts everyone.  Big Business unfair advantages, patent laws and companies stealing technology from others are topics Gary will be discussing. My guest Gary Bronga is an author of a business and marketing book Bringing a Product to Market From Your Home and several informational booklets.  He is also founder and CEO of Clipeze Worldwide, Inc., which markets and sells his invention Clipeze Badge holder pins.  Gary is a freq