Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Life is hard? Suicide is NOT the answer, ask for help



Life is changing rapidly these days and it really seems hard but even thinking about suicide is not the answer.  There are people all around you who can help, to talk and support you, even if it seems like that may not be true.  Family members, if there is talk of suicide in your home, it is time to get help, not tomorrow or next week or after a vacation, NOW!  The conversation must be of help, support and action.  This is not a gray area, it is black and white.  Action is required. What happens to a family when the talk of suicide is hushed, not noticed or tabooed?  It happens. My guest today, Carl David, is familiar with suicide, his brother took his life when he was young.  Carl, now, decades later, has committed to speaking to anyone who will listen about the effects of suicide on a family.  He will be sharing how he carried the event with him all his adult life. Carl is the author of  Bader Field; How my family survived Suicide.  It is his life as it unfolded since losing his brother. Yes, life is hard,