Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Help here: ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, Anxiety, Panic, Depression



How are you supporting your mental health condition, with micronutrients or high power drugs?  Do you think there may be a better way than drugging you to overload?  Can your children be helped with something other than drugs or special classes at school?  Is a mental health condition always considered a handicap or can it just be called 'the body asking for nutrients'?A must listen for all brain and mental health concerns, help is available.  Call in, ask.  Get help today.  Even if you are on drugs, need drugs and cannot get them, do have a diagnosis, don't know what is wrong with you, or you have been searching the web for answers to your anxiety, panic, ADD, Depression or even bipolar I and II; this show is for you.  Tune in to hear cutting edge talk about supplying the brain with nutrients to stop the 'chatter' that is disorganized in your mind.  Time to step out of the labels and drug stupor and live life to the fullest, in tune and happy. My guest today, Anthony Stephan of Truehope Nutritional Support,