Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Just Breathe, For Stress and Meditation



We have all heard it:  'just breathe' and sometimes when we are in the heat of a big stress situation or other emotional upset, we feel that if we just breathe we will explode!  Don't you?  Sometimes, we even say 'if I hear that ONE MORE TIME, I am going to .......'.  Yep, we are with you. How can something so simple as breathing, relaxing, meditating and calming ourselves down be so darn hard!  Maybe, it is something we need to learn, harness and practice that would give our bodies the greatest sense of peace, but who has the time. My guest today is Heidi Thompson, author of Calm, Focus, Joy:  The Power of Breath Awareness.  She is going to teach us how to breathe, why it is so important and what it can do to improve our overall health.  This practice is for adults and children.  If you really have been told to breathe by others and know that you are popping pills or other alternative remedies to calm down, this show is for you.  Time to stop for the best remedy in town, your breathing and what it can do for