Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Naturopathic Medicine for Fatigue with Dr. Amber Golshani



Naturopathic Medicine Awareness Week continues today with a discussion about fatigue and how natural medicines can help with overall body weariness.  Naturopathic Physicians are trained to look at the whole person and find areas of the body, mind and spirit that may need nutrition, botanical or emotional support.  Life is not easy and the stressors that occur on a daily basis can affect your health over the long run and decrease our ability to fight off infections or disease.  My guest today is Dr. Amber Golshani, a graduate of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.  She is a Naturopathic Physician who focuses on women who are physically tired and mentally wired and are having a hard time day to day.  Her patients are supported with botanicals, homeopathy, and nutrition to improve their overall health. Fatigue is not just a time to sleep or take pills to reduce your mental stress.  Learn different ways to help yourself and what questions to ask of your physician today with Dr. Amber. Dr. Amber's website