Pureperformance Cafe

PurePerformance Cafe 017: Coop on MS Azure and monitoring with the help of D.A.V.I.S with Jeppe Hedesgaard Lindberg.



Coop has been disrupting retail in the last 150 years. This time it is about offering new mobile ways to connect their loyal customers to their services. As many companies Coop choose a “New Stack” approach for building the new mobile platform. While MS Azure proofed to be a good choice it was clear that Operations and Development had to also think about how to monitor, understand and manage the additional complexity they just added. Jeppe Hedesgaard Lindberg (https://dk.linkedin.com/in/jeppe-hedesgaard-lindberg-7467475 ) gives us insights on how they use Dynatrace SaaS and D.A.V.I.S (https://www.dynatrace.com/meet-davis/ ) to ensure that their new stack initiative is just the start of a new set of innovations to come from Coop.