Pureperformance Cafe

Cafe 43: IoT on the Edge - Breakfast at Perform 2018



In today’s IoT environments more and more functionality is moved from the cloud to the edge. To reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent over networks and overcome the risk of outages, logic is being executed close to the data origins.But that causes complexity of such environments to increase vastly. Join us at the IoT breakfast at Perform 2018 on Wednesday, Jan 31st from 8am till 9am!Ian Perez Ponce from Amazon Web Services and Harald Zeitlhofer from Dynatrace will inform you about new trends in edge processing and monitoring:• AWS Greengrass• Snowball Edge• Lambda@Edge• New features in Dynatrace Monitoring for these servicesIf you want to join us send a note to iot @ dynatrace.com as space is limited!