Persuasion With Erin Straza And Hannah Anderson

Episode 183 | Home Making



Our understanding of home affects everything about us, both individually and collectively. Home is vital to us all, but determining its value in a market-based society is fraught with troubles. has attempted to help by giving stay-at-home-moms (or dads) a $160K valuation. The intent is to elevate the status of the home maker by giving it a professional-level salary. Our need for the marketplace to validate our home life tells us more than we may care to admit. In this episode of Persuasion, Erin Straza and Hannah Anderson dig into their new series titled Go Home! Finding Our Way. Each episode will explore the common assumptions regarding the home and both in the church and in society. This conversation centers on home making—looking at the value we place on domestic life and the building of the home as the calling and vocation of us all. The church has tried to value the home by assigning it as women’s work. By claiming the home as the woman’s place and home making as a woman’s highest calling, the