Persuasion With Erin Straza And Hannah Anderson

Episode 186 | The Missional Home, with Laura Fabrycky



When John MacArthur told Beth Moore to “go home,” it revealed much about his framework for how the church and home should operate and who is responsible for each sphere. This perspective seems to see the spheres as quite separate. The church has a purpose and a mission, and the home has a purpose and a mission, but those only overlap because the biological family is the building block for both. But what if this framework undercuts the church as the family of God with brothers and sisters working together to build it? In this episode of Persuasion, Erin Straza and Hannah Anderson continue their series titled Go Home! Finding Our Way. Each episode of the series explores the common assumptions regarding the home, both in the church and in society. This particular conversation centers on the family of God and the relationships we have with each other as spiritual siblings. Certainly the biological family is important and needed for stable homes and societies. Within the church, however, the biological family is