Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 46 - Hobby Show - Making Awesome Terrain with Leo from Rapid Tabletop



Today Dan is joined by Leo from Rapid Tabletop to talk about his epic terrain creations. You may have seen Leo's work on Insta or Twitter, his prolific work in producing stunning Zone Mortalis squares which are more like mini-dioramas is what caught the eye of the AOTI team. Being able to chat to Leo about his projects was an absolutely pleasure and hopefully you will be as inspired to get your terrain kits out for some assembly as Dan was! Leo is on Twitter, Instagram and Patreon. Please check out his Patreon page for more insight into his creations and do consider becoming a Patreon so that Leo can keep making awesome terrain and sharing it with his fellow hobbyists! Podcast Admin Please feel free to drop us a line via email and let us know what you liked, or what you’d like to hear about in future episodes. You can leave us a voice message by going to and clicking "Send Voice Message" on the front page. If you like what you hear, feel free to leave us a review