Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 49 - Hobby Show - Dan's KCCO Chaos Renegade Militia



Next up in our ongoing #KeepCalmandCrusadeOn series, it's Dan's turn to talk about his Chaos Renegade Militia. With new Forge World rules potentially on the horizon from the 40k studio, now's an ideal time to shave off those Imperial Aquilas with a sharp hobby knife and start daubing Chaos stars on the side of your vehicles! #KeepCalmandCrusadeOn is a way for you all to get involved in channeling your 40k enthusiasm to build a new army for #New40k!  Steve and Dan will be keeping tabs on their projects, which will start off as 25 Power Level forces and may expand further as our Crusades progress! We'd love to hear from you about your own #KeepCalmandCrusadeOn project! Tag us on Twitter/Insta/FB, send us an email or record us a voice message. We'll feature our favourites on future episodes, or potentially even get you on for a whole episode to talk through your own project! Podcast Admin Please feel free to drop us a line via email and let us know what you liked, or what you’d