Sippin On Ink...

Immani Love: Author, Erotic Poetry..Goddess of Love



Join me August 13, 2014 @8pm EST as I talk with Immani Love about life, erotica and poetry. Are they one and the same?Immani Love was born in Philadelphia, Pa and is currently making her home in Florida performing regularly at several venues throughout the US, UK, and Europe upon booking. Recently named 2013 Erotic Poet of the Year by the National Poetry Awards and invited to perform at UK Black Pride in London, England as well as EuroPride in Marseille, France. Currently on tour throughout Europe summer 2014.Immani Love has also completed her first book of short stories in a series called “Adventures in Eroticism,” the first book is Adventures in Eroticism: Four Seasons available now on her website. Lesbian Erotica short stories where the main character is YOU! Take a trip into your fantasies with each story you read. With vivid imagery and tantalizing scenarios, these stories allow you to experience things not typically dared to be imagined! Lesbian Erotica has never had an avenue like this to explore sexua