Radio P1: The Feel Great Cafe

Feel Great Cafe - Wellness 101



Join Coach Steve as we discuss the basics of Wellness. This term is very in vogue these days and we will talk about what it takes to be "Well". Joining me on the show will be a panel of experts in the health and wellness industry. Your questions are welcome during the show and prior if you wish to email me directly at guests are...Christa Smedile: A Registered Dietitian and a Hollistic Health Counselor. She coaches Fortune 500 executives toward living a more stress-free, healthy lifestyle. She encourages you to count your blessings, not your calories!Bill McCambley: He owns a personal training and fitness consulting company in Northern New Jersey. Bill has a bachelor's and master's degree in exercise science along with certifications from the NSCA, NASM, and NHE.