
Matthew Fox on Hildegard's Divine Feminine



Matthew Fox was born December 21, 1940 in Madison, Wisconsin. He currently resides in Oakland, California. Formerly a Catholic priest and presently an Episcopal priest, Fox is arguably the most important theologian of our time. He is certainly amongst the most controversial. A spiritual theologian and religious scholar, he has dedicated much of his life to developing/recovering the tradition of Creation Spirituality. One can learn much about Matthew Fox's life by reading his autobiography, Confessions: The Making of a Post Denominational Priest. Not surprisingly much has happened in Matthew's life and work since the 1996 publication of Confessions. We invite you to find out what his latest projects are; he usually has several in the works at any given time. He's currently working on a new book about Hildegard and ressurecting the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, published by Namaste Publishing.