Gut Talk

Constipated? Try These Natural Remedies



42 million people in the US alone complain of constipation. It’s no wonder we’re a constipated nation with our chronic stress and inflammatory diet. There are also people out there who are constipated and don’t even realize it.If you have healthy bowels, then you should be eliminating waste 1-3 times per day, and your stool should be a 4 or 5 on the Bristol Stool Chart. If you are eliminating less than once per day, then you are constipated. If you have to strain and spend 30 minutes on the toilet, then you are constipated.While many people just try to fix it themselves and resort to over-the-counter laxatives and enemas, these remedies are not safe long-term.In this episode I'll discuss a few natural remedies that can help improve your elimination and help you start feeling better.