
The Jonas Brothers on Radio



My Son’s a Latin Lover, Says Jonas Brothers’ Mom The Jonas Brothers may all wear purity rings, but at least one of them is a veritable Latin lover! Interviewed on Radio, the superstars’ mom, Denise Jonas, reveals what her home-schooled sons’ favorite subjects are. “Kevin loves literature and he loves Shakespeare. He also loves etymology, which is amazing. And he loved and he studied Latin,” she says of her eldest boy, now 21. “My husband and I disagreed on if he should take Latin or Spanish. And I said, ‘He has a passion to want to do Latin. Let him do that.’ “Frankie [8], our little one, is in love with science. Nicholas [16] loves English. And Joseph [19] – I don’t know that he has any favorite,” Denise tells host, and senior editor, Rebecca Kochenderfer.She also discusses the home-school curriculum she favors for her musical prodigies. “That would be Accelerated Christian Education, which is Lighthouse Christian Academy. It works because of our travel schedule. And for my olde