Local Gov Life

Local Gov Life - S05 Episode 01: Strategic Planning



Every community needs a strategic plan. It can be hard to zero in on the right process. Our guests Kel Wang and Michael Sambir led a city of over 1 million people through 2 strategic plans from start to finish and they join us to explain how it’s done. Then, Angelica Wedell of the National Research Center identifies the 6 Es of strategic planning. Hint: it starts with “engage.” If you’re involved with helping a community decide where to go and how to get there, this podcast is for you. Strategic planning asks 3 questions: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? We take a look at how the city of Edmonton, Alberta completed 2 strategic plans: one for operations and another for the community. Kel Wang, the city’s corporate performance lead, and Michael Sambir, the city’s strategic coordinator, explain how they guided a city of over 1 million people through the process. Then, Angelica Wedell of the National Research Center, lays out the 6 Es of strategic planning. Hint: it all starts with e