Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

Podcast #38 - Life Is A Playful Dance Level 2/3 Yoga Class



It is my practice these days to be more playful off my mat... yes, being serious is easy for me and my tendency is to keep it all together and have been watching lately how the universe is always at play eve when I am in thi splace of containment. I offer this class to you for the exploration of the Lila Tandava - "the playful dance of life" is always happening even when you are not aware of it - even at times of challenge. Yoga can be fun - Boga Yoga does not always have to serious and we can allow this if we choose to... let yourself have fun and play today. Check out Linda's Interview and share it with your friends who are new to yoga... Sequence for this Level 2-3 Yoga Class Podcast: [You will require a Block and Blanket for this yoga class] Tadasana - Interlace Hands In Front and Move Torso Around Then Plug In Urdvah Hastasana with Hands Clasped Over Head Uttanasana with Hands Clasped Behind Back - Wide Dog the Bring Legs Together for One Legged Dog - Step Fwd to a Straight Leg Lunge then