Fotos, Fiddles, & Felines

011 Troy Colby: Creating a Reality That Is Not Real (Part 1)



Troy Colby is an award-winning fine art photographer who creates poetic, dreamlike, and often haunting images. He has said that photography is “a chance to create a reality that is not real.” Troy was born and raised in a small rural farming community. The rural American landscape has been the backdrop that has helped Troy refine his vision. In the past few years he has worked with his son to create handcrafted worlds. Together they have found a love of recreating dreams and haunting emotions. Troy holds a BFA in Fine Art Photography from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and is currently working on his MFA. His work has been seen in Black and White Magazine, Plates to Pixels, F-Stop, Adore Noir Magazine, and galleries from Miami to Portland. Troy is a 2015 Critical Mass finalist.