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Staying Focused On Your Goals Through Business Accountability with Mitch Russo



Mitch Russo is constantly building something new. He enters a new field and immerses himself in it, gets good at it, and then rises to the top in most cases. Mitch is a CEO, a business leader and a business coach. He’s also a bestselling author, a podcaster, and an excellent photographer. As a CEO, Mitch loves helping small business owners and high net worth individuals find their way and get their life back on track through business accountability. Mitch shares that having accountability creates awareness of productivity and identifies distractions for business owners to then start taking action. Mitch reveals his journey in creating Timeslips Corp, becoming President of Chet Holmes, Int’l., creating Business Breakthroughs with Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins, and his passion project of building another software company.