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Perfect Time-Based Productivity To Escape Overwhelm With Francis Wade



Let’s face it: it’s getting harder and harder to escape overwhelm now than it was twenty years ago. We have more triggers in our immediate environment than there used to be. We absorb more information in a day than our grandparents saw in a month, and nobody is trained to deal with the sheer volume of information on the internet. Data is like oxygen. And according to Francis Wade, author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, psychologists haven’t caught up with the changes that we’re undergoing on a daily basis. They’re moving far too slow to keep up. How, then, can you escape overwhelm? If you don’t have a structure to routinely keep you from being overwhelmed, then you’ll be falling right into the Zeigranik Effect over and over again, clueless about where it’s coming from. The level of frustration that people experience is just not right. It’s one thing to find yourself in pain and in overwhelm. It’s another thing to have the wrong idea about where it’s coming from and then solving the wrong problem only to s